Your Member Benefits Website features include:

  • Access to online articles with helpful information
  • Ability to submit an online form asking a counselor to contact you
  • Topics covering working life, wellness, parenting, management, etc.

Your Customer Hub features include:

  • Automated headcount updates in UCMS
  • Invoicing reflective of the active populations under your account
  • Access reporting with case trends, disruptive issues, utilization

Local Service Partners

Local Service Partners are independent EAPs with which WPO has established strategic relationships for the delivery of global EAP services in alignment with the WPO models, processes and quality standards.

At A Glance

United States

Implementation of a Global EAP

Organisational Effectiveness

Enhanced Solutions

Implementation of a Global EAP

  • Organisational Effectiveness
Analysis and assessment to determine gaps between employee needs and existing organisational and community resources

As a preliminary step to implementing a Global Employee Assistance Programme (GEAP) in locations with infrastructure challenges, an American multinational oil and gas corporation engaged Workplace Options (WPO) to perform a community asset analysis and needs assessment to determine gaps between employee needs and existing organisational and community resources.


The scope of this project included 10,000 employees at 40 worksites, in 10 administrative offices and 30 remote field or off-site locations. The project gathered data from each location around:

– The work environment at each facility (work performed, volumes, schedules, and shifts)

– Business and worker pressures/risks related to the work

– Workforce demographics

– Local cultural traditions and practices in each location

– Perspective of HR and Management Team

– Specific life management issues faced by employees

– Existing company resources

– Corporate or site-specific communication practices


This project was divided into four phases spanning four months. WPO worked with a Project Planning Team to ensure that each location was represented by key stakeholders who held knowledge of the location.

Phase 1: Planning WPO met with the management team to discuss and finalise the overall objectives and approve the scope of the project, critical business requirements, internal stakeholders, project schedule and anticipated outcomes. We learned that three stakeholders were sceptical that a GEAP could be effective given the extent of the environmental challenges in their locations. The locations were flagged for deeper scrutiny.

Phase 2: Needs Assessment This phase gathered data from the local stakeholders in HR, Occupational Health, managers, and employees. The data was gathered from one-on-one interviews, focus groups, and online surveys. The team analysed the data to reveal key common concerns, along with specific local issues.

Phase 3: On-Site Community Asset Analysis Taking a deep dive into the existing assets included a broad-scope examination of the infrastructure in each community. During this step, issues impacting daily life such as traffic/transportation, security, internet connectivity, and energy capacity were categorised. Relevant assets in the communities were identified, such as hospitals, educational institutions, dependent care programmes, and other human services and resources. The team developed crosswalks from identified needs and challenges in Phase 2 to the assets in Phase 3. The mapping generated a broad overview of the resources that existed and highlighted gap areas.

Phase 4: Recommendations The data from the assessment and analysis informed recommendations including:

– A benefit review to determine communication or training related to gap areas in the community

– HR training on the challenges and resolution strategies faced by employees in each location

– Partnership with local organisations responding to some of the gap areas uncovered

– GEAP adaptations (recruitment of additional clinical professionals, acculturation briefings, communication and promotional modifications to reach remote and offshore populations, employee resilience training)


The project resulted in an in-depth client understanding of the factors that most impact the overall quality of the worker experience.

Phases 2 and 3 revealed specific challenges related to lifestyle and work schedules, as well as those involving traffic, security, and internet connectivity that were outside the control of the organisation. As such, training programmes were implemented to help individuals manage their responses. HR received proactive strategies that could be used when coaching and providing feedback to employees. The team addressed earlier concerns reported from skeptical HR Managers and Occupational Health personnel. Meeting together, the project team was able to demonstrate how the gaps in programmes—while not all resolvable—could be managed using relevant coping strategies and proactive education programmes.

Finally, by implementing the recommendations developed as programme adaptations, the GEAP programme produced the following positive outcomes.

– HR team reports high satisfaction levels when referring the GEAP as a resource for employee issues

– Counseling and work-life programme utilization remains higher than average for programmes in the area

– HR reported robust utilization of the Manager Assist feature

– On-site training programmes are well attended and highly rated

– Employees in field locations positively rate access to webinars and on-site counselling

This case story is based on a real-life situation, but some details have been modified to maintain confidentiality.

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