Las características de su sitio web de beneficios para los miembros incluyen:

  • Acceso a artículos en línea con información útil
  • Posibilidad de enviar un formulario en línea para que un asesor se ponga en contacto con usted
  • Temas sobre la vida laboral, el bienestar, la crianza de los hijos, la gestión, etc.

Las características de su Customer Hub incluyen

  • Actualizaciones automáticas de los recuentos en el UCMS
  • Facturación que refleja las poblaciones activas de su cuenta
  • Acceso a los informes con las tendencias de los casos, los problemas de interrupción y la utilización

Socios de servicios locales

Los socios de servicios locales son PAE independientes con los que WPO ha establecido relaciones estratégicas para la prestación de servicios globales de PAE en consonancia con los modelos, procesos y normas de calidad de WPO.

At A Glance


Dealing with Workplace Stress

Emotional Support

Core Employee Assistance Program


  • Mental Health
Short-term, solution-focused sessions delivered by phone, in person, or by online video

Health care workers around the world have been on the frontline fighting COVID-19. Given the growing number of coronavirus patients, it is critical that members of the health care industry remain physically and emotionally healthy. 

A health care worker called the service feeling very stressed over her job situation. She shared that her responsibilities temporarily changed, which would put her in closer contact with patients hospitalized with COVID-19. In addition to feeling resentful, she said she also felt unsupported by her supervisor. 

The counselor engaged the woman in a conversation about her available options, which included declining the work or moving forward with the assignment. They also discussed the precautions she could take to protect herself from exposure. 

By the end of the call, the woman shared her decision to move forward with the assignment and to share with her supervisor the type of support she needed in a new position. She stated that she felt better after the conversation and had a new perspective on her situation. 

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