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  • 4 March 2021
  • 3 years

The Well-Balanced Woman: Six Dimensions of Wellness for Consideration

Brooke McMillan


Being well-balanced is a journey, not a destination. As humans, our needs, wants, values, and relationships evolve. Being aware of the changes and approaching these opportunities of growth with patience and kindness towards ourselves is imperative. Along this journey, it is important to identify what “balanced” looks and feels like for you specifically. Imperative questions to continuously ask ourselves are “How will I know when I am moving towards being balanced?” and “What small shifts will I notice internally and externally?”

Would that be

  • waking up feeling refreshed instead of overwhelmed?
  • not looking at social media before noon?
  • drafting a letter to request a raise?
  • being more open to hearing of others’ belief systems?
  • waking up 10 minutes earlier to enjoy a cup of coffee in solitude?
  • being able to manage the anger when someone cuts you off while driving?
  • scheduling your physical health checkups?

Let’s work together to recognize adjustments that could be made to further the journey of embracing your beautifully unique, multi-dimensional, balanced self.

Emotional Wellness is a spectrum of awareness, adaptability, sense of purpose, and emotional regulation. The foundational element of increasing emotional wellness is the willingness to be curious about yourself while withholding judgment from what you see. Experiencing emotions go hand in hand with being human, yet research shows that only 36 percent of people have the ability to label or manage their emotions. Dysregulated emotions often go misunderstood, which lead to irrational choices and counterproductive actions. Adding to our emotional intelligence bank can help us avoid becoming depleted and help maintain focus on learning and implementing healthy habits. If we are going to make a shift towards emotional wellness, we will need to learn how to acknowledge our messy emotions.

A core truth of emotional wellness is that it is complicated and, oftentimes, nebulous. This fact is not a reflection of our own worth. Initially, it can be difficult finding the vocabulary to put with our own thoughts, fears, emotions, or goals, yet the results can be life changing. Developing regular habits can help us process and deal with our feelings effectively in order to move forward in fulfilling our emotional needs. Some days we find ourselves balanced and content, while other days we may feel dysregulated for reasons that may be beyond our control. Pay close attention to details on the days you are feeling balanced; keep this list accessible for the difficult days.

Reflect on your emotions daily, what they can teach you, and how you can express them. Self-reflection and self-soothing are two of the most powerful skills you can learn. In order for new habits to stick, they must be realistic to one’s unique lifestyle. Are you learning to manage stress in ways that work for your lifestyle? Take a step back, be honest with yourself, and start the practice of implementing new skills to respond to negative emotions and thoughts without getting stuck in them.

Identify your true emotions while showing them compassion, recognize stress triggers, and practice positive self-affirmations. When you change your thoughts, your mood has no choice but to follow. Consider a type of expression such as music, dance, or journaling. Try out different coping exercises or strategies when you’re not in a stressful situation. When challenges arise, you will be better prepared to deal with them.

Spiritual wellness grounds us during periods of change and gives us the resiliency to survive with grace and inner peace in the face of adversity. By exploring your spiritual core, you are simply asking yourself questions about the person you are and intend to be. Assure yourself you are living by your own values instead of the ones your loved ones or society has chosen for you. Identify your priorities. Consider all of the reflection you’ve done up to this point as building towards the deepest level of self-reflection and emotional freedom.

You can explore internal aspects of your own spiritual wellness by asking yourself questions such as

  • what gives my life meaning and purpose?
  • what gives me hope?
  • how do I get through tough times?
  • where do I find comfort?

Do you welcome and cultivate positive, empowering thoughts and emotions? Identify your level of external acceptance by asking “Am I tolerant of other people’s views about life issues?” and “Do I make attempts to expand my awareness of different ethnic, racial, and religious groups?”

Common ways to explore and cultivate wellness is through practicing meditation and yoga, praying or taking part in an organized religion, spending time alone with your thoughts, building awareness through journaling, and spending time in nature. Find what works for you.

Social wellness is a sense of interconnectedness that involves building and nurturing supportive relationships. Like many things, social wellness can mean something different to everyone. The one thing we all have in common is that social connectivity is something we need; whatever that may look like is up to you. To enhance this aspect of your life, consider identifying elements that make a relationship rewarding, and reflect on whether you are providing and receiving these factors in your relationships. Be intentional with the time you spend with others, as healthy social connections can help decrease stress, health issues, isolation, and other concerns that can get in the way of a positive, healthy lifestyle.

Cultivating social wellness can also be considered as participating as an interdependent piece of the bigger puzzle of humankind. Developing social wellness takes intention, energy, time, care, and effort. Are you happy with your current level of social wellness? What aspects of your social wellness are working and what are some aspects that require some fine tuning? Everybody is different, and everyone has different needs. In the process of meeting your social wellness needs, be mindful of the pressure to conform to societal ideals. For it to stick, you have to decide what feels right to you.

Consider physically writing a letter to a loved one, think of a cause that you are passionate about, find ways you could volunteer, clear out your social media platforms of anything that promotes self-doubt, look the cashier in the eyes while paying and ask about their day, find a home dog park for you and your pet to socialize, or bond with your child over a shared favorite treat. Individuals who are socially healthy have the means and skills to be social in various settings with confidence. Doesn’t that sound nice?

Occupational wellness encompasses job satisfaction, performance, and professional development. It commonly involves participating in activities that add meaning and purpose to your life, while reflecting personal values, interests, and beliefs. It comes full circle and results in feeling valued and accomplished at work while confidently seeing purpose in your abilities. At the center of occupational wellness is the premise that occupational development is related to our attitudes about our work. Think about writing out your occupational goals first in order to successfully create realistic goals and draft a plan.

Do you find yourself motivated and intrigued? Are there times where you are feeling inspired, yet challenged? Are you involved in a career or volunteer work that fits your values?

When we are doing what we feel we are meant to do, we are able to access a deeper level of sense of meaning and purpose. It’s possible to gain personal satisfaction and find enrichment in your life if you commit to defining your own success. Meaningful work will fit with who you are.

Physical wellness is seen to be the balance of physical activity, nutrition, hygiene, and mental wellbeing to keep your body in tip-top condition. Recognizing and understanding your body’s warning signs will lead to a successful path. When nurturing this dimension of wellness, self-esteem, control, and a sense of direction are well known to follow.

Like any other aspect, it is important to accept that your needs will likely look completely different than someone else’s. Checking in on your physical wellness can enable you to identify what would benefit from adjustments. This could look like making changes to your diet to better manage diabetes or digestive issues, or making adjustments to sleep hygiene in order to improve quality of sleep and mental wellbeing.

Did you know our gut manufactures about 95percent of the body’s supply of serotonin? This fact alone provides a level of control we have over stabilizing mood and increasing feelings of wellbeing and happiness. Physical wellness is founded on the ability to take charge of your health by making conscious decisions to be healthy. Moving towards this goal could look like scheduling annual doctors’ appointments, taking a shower at night to improve sleep, or committing to moving your body for 20 minutes twice a week. It does not matter what size goal one believes it to be, any step is progress.

As you start your journey toward enhanced physical wellness, consider what optimal health means for you today and for your future self. What does being physically well look and feel like? What does it enable you to experience? How does it affect your relationship with your body? How is your relationship with food? Evaluate your hygiene routine, sleep schedule, and how you feel in your wardrobe. Meeting your goals in this area of your life will boost your mood and improve self-esteem.

Environmental wellness refers to your sense of safety, comfort, and connection with your physical surroundings. This domain of wellness encompasses not only the health of the planet, but also your own living space. We humans all have a strong need for safety and security, and look for those attributes in our environment. We also look for physical comfort, such as an environment with the right temperature, and psychological comfort, where there is a mix of familiarity and stimulus.

Your home is supposed to be a refuge from the world, where you can relax and recharge. When you are able to create a space that is a personal reflection, it can help you feel refreshed at the end of a long day. But if it’s dirty or full of clutter, it may be more of a source of stress than of healing. While everyone has their own way to clear the clutter, doing so can help you feel lighter and more positive.

Your environment influences your overall mood, behavior, and motivation level. Choose a room or corner in your home that you can make into a healing space. Be mindful about your noise level. Is the TV always on? Is your phone on loud when it could be on vibrate? Research shows that rooms with bright light, both natural and artificial, can improve symptoms of depression and anxiety. Be intentional with space; for example, an area with comfortable chairs can encourage people to sit and chat, while a yoga mat and bolster may encourage solitude. Keep in mind that your external world is usually a precise representation of your inner world.

In conclusion, you are a multidimensional being, including mind, body, and spirit. Achieving optimal health and a desired state of wellness requires a continuous readjustment of all elements. This journey of finding balance in all aspects of life seems to be the never-ending endeavor of the human race, inspiring us to search for a better way. Ultimately, the most essential factor needed to achieve overall wellness is self-management—taking responsibility for your own behavior and wellbeing.

You matter tremendously; take care of yourself.

Workplace Options helps employees balance their work, family, and personal needs to become healthier, happier, and more productive, both personally and professionally. The company’s world-class employee support, effectiveness, and wellbeing services provide information, resources, referrals, and consultation on a variety of issues ranging from dependent care and stress management to clinical services and wellness programs. To learn more email us at

Disclaimer: This document is intended for general information only. It does not provide the reader with specific direction, advice, or recommendations. You may wish to contact an appropriate professional for questions concerning your particular situation.

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