Your Member Benefits Website features include:

  • Access to online articles with helpful information
  • Ability to submit an online form asking a counselor to contact you
  • Topics covering working life, wellness, parenting, management, etc.

Your Customer Hub features include:

  • Automated headcount updates in UCMS
  • Invoicing reflective of the active populations under your account
  • Access reporting with case trends, disruptive issues, utilisation

Local Service Partners

Local Service Partners are independent EAPs with which WPO has established strategic relationships for the delivery of global EAP services in alignment with the WPO models, processes and quality standards.

At A Glance

100% Manager Engagement

800 Individuals counseled on-site

320 Referrals to local resources

400 Additional follow-up contacts

Supporting a global restructuring

  • Organizational Effectiveness

Workplace Options (WPO) received a request from a multinational company undergoing a global restructuring at 14 locations spanning nine countries. Evidence indicates that organizational changes involving restructuring cause stress, anxiety, and trigger multiple emotional issues.


Knowing that restructuring leads to broad scope workplace disruption, the HR Team reached out to WPO to assist with developing a plan to support the workforce. WPO arranged a consultation call with participants including a WPO Incident Manager and representatives from the HR team. The resulting implementation plan included the following components:

– Assistance with all communication to the workforce

– Logistics to cover each of the 14 locations

– Information on stress triggers, general anxiety and emotional issues caused by restructuring

– Advice to managers on delivering news of restructuring to all staff, those affected, and those remaining

– Actions focused on providing emotional and practical support to the workforce


WPO was on-site in the first four locations within 3 days of the consultation call, in accordance with the timeline set by the collaborative intervention plan. The following actions were delivered over the next three days.

– WPO engaged 27 trauma professionals from our global network in multiple locations. All trauma professionals were briefed regarding the overall assignment as well the specifics of each location. The widespread initiative was managed by a Key Incident Manager, and used resources from global service centers, engaging critical response teams with incident managers trained to respond to trauma by following the same standardized process.

– Delivered 155 hours of on-site support across 14 locations

– Conducted multilevel management meetings focused on communication strategies, delivering difficult news, monitoring employee wellbeing

– Facilitated small group sessions and face to face individual sessions while on-site

– Created a safe environment for individuals to express their thoughts and feelings

– Provided psychoeducation on self-care and dealing with the shock of job loss

– Equipped individuals with coping strategies to deal with changes in their new job roles

– Normalized the emotional and physiological responses experienced by employees who were personally affected by the news

– Provided employees with overview of services available through their EAP, offered multiple access options for the EAP, and reinforced that services are free and confidential.


Workplace Options provided services that employees rated as highly beneficial in reducing anxiety and increasing coping associated with unwelcome news about their employment. Across all 14 locations, WPO’s trauma counselors:

– Engaged with 100% of managers on-site in groups and in Manager Assist sessions

– Counseled 800 individuals on-site

– Referred 320 individuals to local resources targeted to alleviate stress

– Provided follow-up to an additional 400 employees via telephone or video consults

Overall, our client reported that WPO is uniquely positioned to provide trauma support very quickly and powerfully anywhere in the world. This initiative significantly reduced the disruptive impact of the restructuring announcement. The scope, detail and execution of the intervention plan resulted in a successful outcome.

This case story is based on a real-life situation, but some details have been modified to maintain confidentiality.

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