Your Member Benefits Website features include:

  • Access to online articles with helpful information
  • Ability to submit an online form asking a counselor to contact you
  • Topics covering working life, wellness, parenting, management, etc.

Your Customer Hub features include:

  • Automated headcount updates in UCMS
  • Invoicing reflective of the active populations under your account
  • Access reporting with case trends, disruptive issues, utilisation

Local Service Partners

Local Service Partners are independent EAPs with which WPO has established strategic relationships for the delivery of global EAP services in alignment with the WPO models, processes and quality standards.

LVMH Heart Fund Program – Financial Support Terms and Conditions

The Financial Support granted as part of the LVMH Heart Fund Program is subject to the following terms and conditions.

1.    Eligibility Criteria to the Financial Support

In order to benefit from the Financial Support, the Applicant shall meet the following cumulative eligibility criteria:

  • The Applicant shall qualify as “Eligible Employee”, meaning that the Applicant shall be under an employment contract (either fixed-term or unlimited-term contract, either full-time or part-time) with LVMH or any entity controlled by LVMH (within the meaning of Article L. 233-3 of the French code of commerce). Trainees, interns, self-employed, external consultants, retirees are not Eligible Employees.
  • The Eligible Employee shall face a “Qualifying Event”, meaning an external event of an accidental nature, unintentional, and leading to a situation of great difficulty , significantly impacting the Eligible Employee’s private life which cannot be solved with the employee’s means and which is:
    • Exceptional
    • Unforeseeable
    • Urgent and
    • Serious

The above conditions are cumulative. For the sake of clarity, a work-related event cannot qualify as Qualifying Event.

  • The Qualifying Event must have occurred during the Eligible Employee’s employment contract and no more than 21 calendar days before the date of their Applicationto the LVMH Heart Fund Program.
  • The Qualifying Event must concern the Eligible Employee or their (minor or major with disability) child (first degree descendant).Qualifying Event concerning other relatives of the Eligible Employee are not eligible to the Financial Support.
  • The Eligible Employee shall be able to provide supporting documents regardingthe Qualifying Event and the related costs and expenses that will be covered by the Financial Support.
  • The Eligible Employee shall not have already received a Financial Support during the same calendar yearas part of the LVMH Heart Fund Program.

2.  Scope of the Financial Support

The Financial Support consists in the refund, on presentation of supporting documents, of the actual costs or expenses incurred by the Eligible Employee due to the Qualifying Event, with a maximum of €5,000 for full-time Eligible Employees and €2,500 for part-time Eligible Employees (i.e. less than 24 working hours /week).

No Financial Support will be granted if the total amount of justified costs and expenses for which a refund is requested is lower than €200.

The Financial Support can only be granted once per calendar year per Eligible Employee.

When two Eligible Employees reside together, the Financial Support can be granted to each of them, provided that each of them meets the eligibility criteria listed above; it being specified that only one refund may be granted in respect of an expense or cost

3.  Application review and final decision

Each Application (including supporting evidences) will be reviewed thoroughly by WPO’s qualified personnel. WPO will do its best efforts to review the Applications in a prompt manner, provided the Application is correctly filled and that all relevant supporting documents are provided to WPO. Any incomplete, inconsistent or unreliable Application may be rejected. WPO reserves the right to ask for further explanations or supporting evidences if needed. Any delay in the communication of supporting documents may lead to a delay in the processing of the Application.

Any false, fraudulent, or abusive Application may engage the Applicant’s responsibility.

The decision to approve or reject the Application will be communicated to the Applicant by email. Any decision of WPO is final. LVMH Heart Fund Association, LVMH and/or the Applicant’s employer will not intervene in the examination process and will have no influence on the approval or refusal of an Application, nor on the amount of the Financial Support granted, if any.

4.  Payment of the Financial Support

Financial Supports will be calculated in Euros or converted in your local currency as applicable. In any case, the amount cannot exceed €5,000 (€2,500 for part time Eligible Employees).

The Financial Support will be paid either by wire transfer (banking details to be communicated by the Eligible Employee once the Application is approved) or by other means as agreed with the Eligible Employee.

Please note that the Financial Support may be taxable based on the Eligible Employee’s country’s taxation policy. It is the Eligible Employee’s responsibility to check whether taxation is due within their country and pay the taxes accordingly.